måndag 2 september 2013

Pyramido Tales

I'm really a terrible blogger, but on the other hand I'm glad I also have dayjobs enough to pay the bills. It will take some more guts on my side before I dare take the leap and actually take my work seriously. Blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, here is my latest work for Pyramido; album cover, inlay and a t-shirt design.

This is the cover for Pyramido's new album ”Saga”, which will be out this month.
I'm usually given a few inspirational words or a picture to point out the general direction, and this time I got the colour green and Hans Arnold's fantastic cover for ABBA's greatest hits albums.

There also came up an idea about depicting the band members in animal shapes,and since they're fond of the swedish phenomenon “fika”, which includes coffee and pastry, I thought they should gather in the forest and enjoy just that, around the camp fire.
The surroundings are scattered with details relating to the band and their collaborators in different ways, and for the backdrop I drew inspiration from renaissance art landscapes, from Giorgione, Dürer, Bruegel and their likes.

The album inlay also required some illustration and I got the notion to stack the animals, roaring, on top of each other, just like in the Grimm tale of the Town Musicians of Bremen. The same picture is also made into a tote bag, shown here.

The T- shirt shows the same bandimals having a brawl about the last scraps of “fika”.
A nice job, all together. One can't go wrong with animals and fairy tales.

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