torsdag 26 januari 2012

Mythological wildlife

At long last, an update on this forsaken blog of mine.
Lately I' ve been sorting out some of the vast family archives
since work was a bit thin on the ground.
When Pyramido was to do some gigs with Lock-Up however, need arose for a new t-shirt.
Hence, there came the sea-goat, a somewhat stupid creature of the deep sea, a cruel tool to make the bidding of his third eye. Or it was just an inspiration from Finding Nemo, which I had just seen with   my daughter. It is silver on black and came out pretty damn nice.

These last weeks I have been pondering what materials to use for a cassette- cover, believe it or not. The band is Skogen brinner from Linköping, very agreeable indeed.
They liked the cover for “Salt”, and gave me the cover of Ramases “Space Hymns” for inspiration, though with mountains rather than space.
My mind as usual started tossing together things from the most disparate sources, and out came this: 
Bosch, Kittelsen, Tolkien's drawings, and the Roc from Arabian Nights blended, more or less.

This will be released on Ljudkassett shortly.
Be sure to get one and bring me some work /A.

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